
School Guide

School Timings
Monday to Friday:  8.15 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Saturday: 8.15 a.m. to 12.00 noon
Lunch Break: 12.15 p.m. to 12.45 p.m.
Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 1.45 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Note: Parents are recommended to meet the teachers between 3.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working days.


1. Students are expected to be in the premises by 8.15 a.m. daily and to be on time for the school assembly.
2. a) The working day is divided into two sessions. The morning session extends from 8.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. and the afternoon session from 12.45 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
b) The first warning bell for class is given 5 minutes before the commencement of the morning and afternoon sessions; and the second bell at the hour fixed for commencement of class.
c) At the first bell before each session, pupils should go in silence to their respective classes and wait for the teacher.
d) Pupils are not expected to come before time for class; those who do so for approved reasons must proceed at once to their respective classrooms and devote the time to study, or be reading in the library.
e) Pupils should not keep any money in their possession while in school.
3. On the teacher’s arrival in the classroom, the pupils must rise and remain standing till they are desired to sit, or till the teacher takes his seat. When the attendance roll is called each one must rise and answer to his name.
4. a) No pupil is allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of his teacher or until the class is dismissed.
b) In moving from one classroom to another at the end of each period, care should be taken to do as quickly as possible, and in silence. At the closing bell of each session pupils may leave the classroom only when the teacher has gone out first.
5. Once inside, the students will not be allowed to leave the school premises until school closes for the day. Students are not permitted to leave the premises even during the lunch – break without the permission of their respective class teachers. Those students going home for lunch will carry a note from their parents duly signed by the teacher requesting permission for the same. Loitering outside the school premises without reason is strictly forbidden.
6. a) Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence from school for attending marriages, functions, etc. must be applied in advance. The general terms of excuse, “for some business”, or “for some ceremony” are not acceptable. Hence give specific reason for absence.
b) When a pupil has been absent from school for reasons not foreseen e.g. illness, he must, on returning to school, bring a note of excuse from his parent or guardian. Should the absence exceed three days, notice must be forwarded to the Headmistress/Class Teacher.
c) Continued absence without leave or intimation for a week shall be considered equivalent to the withdrawal of a pupil from School and his name be struck off the rolls.
d) Special notice shall be taken of absence without leave from an examination and at re-opening of classes after the holidays. In the case of illness, the production of a medical certificate shall be required.
e) Leave note should always be written in this calendar in the space provided.
7. A pupil absent without leave during any one hour of either session of the day, shall be regarded as absent for half a day and serious notice will be taken of such absence.
a) A pupil marked ‘absent’ shall continue to be so marked until he produces an order from the Headmistress or other authority deputed for the purpose to be marked ‘present’.
b) If a pupil present for the forenoon session requires leave in the afternoon, he should get prior permission from the Headmistress.
9. Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to school work, obscenity in word, act etc. are sufficient reasons for the temporary or permanent dismissal of a pupil. Other offences such as coming late to class, damaging school property etc., are punishable.
10. The School does not hold itself responsible for the conduct of the boys outside its premises. Injustice to itself, however, it takes cognizance of any serious misconduct of its pupils committed outside its precincts and should any serious charge be fairly substantiated, the guilty will be punished according to the gravity of the of fence.
11. Progress Records will be issued as indicated in the calendar. They should be promptly signed by the parent / guardians and progress /regress to be noted and accordingly guided at home in his studies.
12. Pupils attending class or assembling within the school must wear the school uniform viz… white shirt (short sleeved) and blue shorts, black leather/gola shoes and navy blue socks. Jeans and T-shirts, casual or sports shoes are not permitted. All the students are expected to wear shoes compulsorily after the first semester. During the monsoon season students are required to wear rain shoes or sandals, which are compulsorily black in colour. Students should wear their ID every day. The image of the school depends on all pupils being clean and smartly dressed at all times. We do not wish to see exaggerated hairstyle or pupils coming inappropriately dressed.
13. Every pupil must wish the members of the Staff on the occasion of his first meeting for the day.
14. Books, magazines, newspapers etc., not approved by the Correspondent/ Headmistress, may not be brought to the school. Comics may not be brought to the school and their reading is very much discouraged.
15. Books, umbrellas etc., should have a name or mark by which the owner can easily be known, and all stray or unclaimed property should be brought to the office of the Correspondent/Headmistress.
16. Students are required to live with their parents or guardians. But if they live in a boarding house, as a paying guest, in a rented room etc. the Correspondent/ Headmistress, should be informed about it.
17. Catholic pupils are advised to go to Confession at least once a month and every day, if possible, to Mass and Communion.
18. When prayers are said at the beginning and at the end of class, all must stand and pray respectfully.
19. Letters officially addressed to the Correspondent/Headmistress should enclose reply postage with a self addressed envelope.
20. Colour dress will be worn only for Children’s Day and on Birthdays.
21. Students must take part in games and other activities conducted in the school.