

Announcement and Circular

Parents are the first teachers to their children. Parents are requested to actively take part in overall development of child.

  • Parents and Guardians are expected to co-operate with the school Authorities by enforcing discipline and regularity at home.In order that lesson may be duly prepared, pupils should devote sufficient time to private study. On holidays more time should be devoted to study at home.If parents do not insist on regular attendance and home study,the results are sure to be disappointing to them.
  • Parents and Guardians are recommended to call to the Correspondents Office at least once each term to ascertain from the school Authorities what has been the conduct and progress of pupil under their charge. This may be done between 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.Parents are recommended to contact the teachers between 3.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. on all working days, to ascertain the progress and conduct of the pupils.
  • Parents and Guardians are not allowed to enter any of the classrooms during the class hours without the Correspondent’s or Headmistress’ permission.
  • Parents must see the Progress Records of their children and help them to rectify their defects as regards study or conduct.
  • Private tuitions are very much discouraged because of their adverse effects, but if absolutely necessary they should be arranged only through the Headmistress.
  • Parents and Guardians are ‘ipso facto’ members of the Parent-Teacher Association of the School which aims at fostering closer relationship, mutual understanding and cooperation between home and school. They are strongly urged to attend Parent -Teacher meetings, Sports Day, School Day, General Body Meeting and other functions in the School.
  • Tests and exams are compulsory. If due to illness one cannot attend, it must be reported to the Headmistress / Correspondent immediately. Students who are caught copying in the tests/ examinations will be issued TC at the end of the year.
  • No student should remain in the school after 4.15 p.m.
  • Parents should produce their school parents I.D. at the school gate.
  • Parents encourage your child to attend all school celebrations, and all national festivals. Attendance is compulsory on those days.
  • To reduce the burden of heavy bags carried by the students.All will do their homework in school from 2.50 p.m.-3.25 p.m.
  • On their Birthdays students are strictly prohibited to cut the cake in the classroom, distributing cake, ice-cream or costly chocolates to fellow students. Ordinary chocolates can be distributed, but not a must.
  • Parents are requested not to allow children to bring CDs, iPods, Cameras, mobile phones, videogames or any other gadgets to the school. With the willing cooperation of parents and guardians, the School Authorities hope to mould the child into a good and God Fearing citizen of Mother India.